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Six Food Trends Call For Off-The-Wall Wine Pairings

It’s summertime. It’s hot. And, it’s time to fire up the grill! But what type of wine is best to…

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It’s All About the Sauce: Pairing Wine with Pizza

My shows are about the complete woman who swallows it all. It’s a question of survival. Dressing is a way…

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Introducing The Wine Flavor Chart

A useful tool to have on hand while tasting, the wine flavor wheel is a visual glossary of wine terms…

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Try Wine With These 8 New Year’s Food Traditions

Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer. A girl should…

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Pian dell’Orino, Rosso di Montalcino 2017

Wines like Pian dell’Orino are why we nerd out about this stuff. Rosso di Montalcino is a relatively ordinary wine, but in the hands of a producer like Pian dell’Orino, it’s one of the best reds we’ve had as of late under $100. 
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Terroir al Limit, ‘Terra del Cuques’ Priorat 2016

Priorat is home to some of the best red wines in Spain, and nearly 95% of this small, mountainous region outside of Barcelona is devoted to red grapes.
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Laherte Freres Rosé de Meuniere Champagne

Long thought to be incompatible with Champagne’s harsh climate, natural winemaking is now gaining a foothold in the region. One of the people leading the charge is Aurélien Laherte, who took over his family’s 130-year-old estate in 2005.
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Il Paradiso di Manfredi, Rosso di Montalcino 2018

Paradiso is a classic within both the natural wine and collectors of Italian wine. Year to year the wines vary a lot due to the very low intervention winemaking and frankly, hot temperatures in Montalcino. 
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Ronco del Gnemiz, Friulano San Zuan 2019

In Friuli, a small glass of friulano is traditionally enjoyed alongside thin slices of prosciutto before dinner. The wine tastes like a perfectly ripe melon, which explains its affinity for salty ham.
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